Share your story

We are building the world's biggest collaboration community for entrepreneurs. Inspire dreamers with your founding story.



Why share my story?

Your story will give you a nice flashback of your accomplishments to date, make you feel good, and inspire other aspiring entrepreneurs to take action.

You will be able to include backlinks to your own website and social media accounts. This will help increase your SEO authority due to the popularity of the GoSolo magazine.

Does it cost anything?


How long does it take to answer the questions?

There are 5 core questions. Most people them answer in 10-15 minutes. 

What happens after I submit my story?

Our team will publish your story in our digital magazine, GoSolo, and email you the link. You can then share that link with your network.

What is the benefit of being a part of the GoSolo Community?

You will be matched with other entrepreneurs in the 20K+ community so you can collaborate, cross-promote and grow your revenue together.